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Stefan Werning (Utrecht University)



(Computer) games and contemporary perceptions of military conflicts


The relationship between digital games and the planning, preparation and execution of military conflicts has proven tenuous throughout ist long history, starting with William Higginbotham and his „Tennis for Two“ (1958), displayed on an oscilloscope. Media studies investigations of games have traditionally focused on three approaches, a) representations of military scenarios (Kingsepp 2007; Gieselmann 2007; Allen 2011; Breuer et al. 2011; Mantello 2012; Schulzke 2013a; Stahl 2013; Andersen 2014), b) the political economy of the military entertainment complex (Lenoir 2000; Nieborg & van der Graaf 2003; Ottosen 2009; Payne 2012; Mantello 2013; Schulzke 2013b), and c) the game as a socio-technical apparatus of military conflicts. (Werning 2009; Crogan 2011; Pias 2011; Ash 2012).

The lecture combines elements of all three but particularly focuses on the third trajectory, showing the ‚agency‘ of digital games and their technology in legitimizing military conflict and their distinct epistemic and discursive implications. Apart from video games, it broadens the corpus, e.g. also considering board and card games issued by the US Army, the inherently ludic qualities of digital simulations, and the potential for ‚counter games‘ (cf. Machin & Suleiman 2006 as well as, for the term itself, Werning & Koubek 2017) and anti-war games (z.B. Payne 2014).




Allen, Robertson. 2011. “The Unreal Enemy of America’s Army.” Games and Culture 6 (1): 38–60.

Andersen, Carry. 2014. “Games of Drones: The Uneasy Future of the Soldier-Hero in Call of Duty: Black Ops II.” Surveillance and Society 12 (3): 360–76.

Breuer, Johannes, R. Festl, and T. Quandt. 2011. “In the Army Now - Narrative Elements and Realism in Military First-Person Shooters.” In Proceedings of DiGRA 2011 Conference: Think Design Play.

Crogan, Patrick. 2011. Gameplay Mode: War, Simulation, and Technoculture. Minneapolis: Univ Of Minnesota Press.

Der Derian, James. 2009. Virtuous War: Mapping the Military-Industrial-Media-Entertainment-Network: Second Edition.

Gieselmann, Hartmut. 2007. “Ordinary Gamers - The Vanishing Violence In War Games And Its Influence On Male Gamers.” Eludamos. Journal for Computer Game Culture 1 (1).

Giroux, Henry A. 2004. “War on Terror: The Militarising of Public Space and Culture in the United States.” Third Text 18 (4): 211–21. doi:10.1080/0952882042000229827.

Harrigan, Pat, Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, and James F. Dunnigan. 2016. Zones of Control: Perspectives on Wargaming. MIT Press.

Kingsepp, Eva. "Fighting hyperreality with hyperreality history and death in World War II digital games." Games and Culture 2.4 (2007): 366-375.

Lenoir, Tim. 2000. “All but War Is Simulation: The Military-Entertainment Complex.” Configurations 8(3): 289–335.

Machin, David, and Usama Suleiman. "Arab and American computer war games: The influence of a global technology on discourse." Critical Discourse Studies 3.01 (2006): 1-22.

Mantello, Peter. 2012. “Playing Discreet War in the US: Negotiating Subjecthood and Sovereignty through Special Forces Video Games.” Media, War and Conflict 5 (3): 269–83.

Mantello, Peter. 2013. “Legitimacy and the Virtual Battlefield: Putting the First-Person Shooter on the Witness Stand.” Australian Journal of International Affairs 67 (5): 638–58.

Nieborg, David, B., and Shenja van der Graaf. 2003. “Together We Brand: America’s Army.” In Level Up: Digital Games Research Conference, edited by Marinka Copier and Joost Raessens, 324–48. Cambridge Univ Press.

Ottosen, Rune. 2009. “Targeting the Player Computer Games as Propaganda for the Military-Industrial Complex.” Nordicom Review 30 (2): 35–51.

Payne, Matthew Thomas. 2012. “Marketing Military Realism in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.” Games and Culture 7 (4): 305–27.

Payne, Matthew, Thomas. 2014. “War Bytes: The Critique of Militainment in Spec Ops: The Line.” Critical Studies in Media Communication 31 (4): 265–82.

Pias, Claus. 2011. “The Game Player’s Duty: The User as a Gestalt of Ports.” In Media Archaeology: Approaches, Applications, and Implications, edited by Erkki Huhtamo and Jussi Parikka, 164–83. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Power, M. 2007. “Digitized Virtuosity: Video War Games and Post-9/11 Cyber-Deterrence.” Security Dialogue 38 (2): 271–88.

Salter, Mark, B. 2011. “The Geographical Imaginations of Video Games: Diplomacy, Civilization, America’s Army and Grand Theft Auto IV.” Geopolitics 16 (2): 359–88.

Schulzke, Markus. 2013a. “Being a Terrorist: Video Game Simulations of the Other Side of the War on Terror.” Media, War and Conflict 6 (3): 207–20.

Schulzke, Markus. 2013b. “The Virtual War on Terror: Counterterrorism Narratives in Video Games.” New Political Science 35 (4): 586–603.

Shaw, I.G.R. 2010. “Playing War.” Social and Cultural Geography 11 (8): 789–803.

Šisler, Vit. 2009. “Palestine in Pixels: The Holy Land, Arab-Israeli Conflict, and Reality Construction in Video Games.” Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication 2 (2): 275–92.

Stahl, Roger. 2006. “Have You Played the War on Terror?” Critical Studies in Media Communication 23 (2): 112–30.

Stahl, Roger. 2013. “What the Drone Saw: The Cultural Optics of the Unmanned War.” Australian Journal of International Affairs 67 (5): 659–74.

Stahl, Roger. 2010. Militainment, Inc.: War, Media, and Popular Culture. 1st ed. Routledge Chapman & Hall.

Werning, Stefan. 2009. Real Wars on Virtual Battlefields: The Convergence of Programmable Media at the Military-Civilian Margin. transcript Verlag.

Werning, S. & Koubek, J., 2017. Weltspiele und Spielkulturen. In M. Christen & K. Rothemund, eds. Cosmopolitan Cinema. Kunst und Politik in der Zweiten Moderne. Marburg: Schüren-Verlag, p. tbd.

